Newest Additions
Here you will find all the latest additions to the stream. Check each area to confirm costs.
Command | Type |
!nexttrack | General |
!checkin | General |
!gamble | General |
!chicken | Sound |
!downunder | Sound |
sOOtieBucks Commands
Command | Description |
!sootiebucks | Check your current sOOtieBucks Balance |
!givesootiebucks AMOUNT USER | Give some of your sOOtieBucks to someone |
General Commands
Command | Description | sOOtieBucks |
!checkin | Check in once per stream for Followers and above for a little thank you reward | 0 |
!clipthat | Saves the last 60s of footage as a clip for sOOtie to review and maybe use | 0 |
!ets2 | Check if the ETS2 Bits Menu is live | 0 |
!fh5 | Check if the FH5 Bits Menu is live | 0 |
!gamble (amount) | Try your luck against MARV’s casino | 100 minimum |
!gt | Display sOOtie’s Xbox Gamer Tag | 0 |
!joke | Request a joke to be read from Ditch’s Joke Book of Probable Cancellation | 300 |
!jumpscare | Check if the Jumpscare feature is currently enabled | 0 |
!skip | Skip to the next song (needs 3 people within 30 secs) | 100 |
!phasmo | Check if the Phasmophobia Bits Menu is live | 0 |
!screenshot | Takes a shot of the stream and sends it to the #gallery channel on Discord | 0 |
!squeak | Make sOOtie Squeak for 20s | 300 |
Game Queue Commands
Command | Description | sOOtieBucks |
!gamequeue | Shows Game Queue Instructions | 0 |
!joinqueue | Join the current Game Queue | 100 |
!leavequeue | Leave the current Game Queue | 0 |
!showqueue | Show the current Game Queue | 0 |
Sound Effects
Sound Effects that play during the live streams in exchange for sOOtieBucks
Command | sOOtieBucks |
!badum | 100 |
!bang | 100 |
!boo | 100 |
!bugger | 100 |
!chicken | 100 |
!ditchmonkey | 150 |
!doink | 150 |
!downunder | 150 |
!elite | 150 |
!entertain | 200 |
!glide | 200 |
!fail | 100 |
!flange | 200 |
!hero | 200 |
!hippo | 200 |
!lightitup | 100 |
!nerner | 150 |
!oohwee | 100 |
!redalert | 100 |
!trump | 150 |
!weee | 100 |
!wicked | 200 |
!world | 200 |
!yeet | 100 |
!yhatzee | 200 |
!yoink | 100 |
!youproblem | 150 |
Popup Effects that play video and sound clips during the live streams in exchange for sOOtieBucks
Command | sOOtieBucks |
!again | 250 |
!believe | 250 |
!bye | 100 |
!cheer | 250 |
!cheese | 250 |
!cookies | 250 |
!creepy | 250 |
!crickets | 250 |
!damn | 250 |
!dance | 500 |
!dinosaur | 250 |
!donuts | 250 |
!drama | 250 |
!drumroll | 250 |
!finish | 250 |
!footballislife | 500 |
!ghostly | 250 |
!goal | 250 |
!hi | 100 |
!horn | 250 |
!howl | 250 |
!kaboom | 250 |
!letsgo | 250 |
!lollipop | 500 |
!loveyou | 250 |
!muppets | 500 |
!need | 250 |
!ninja | 250 |
!nobodycares | 250 |
!psycho | 250 |
!pumpkin | 500 |
!roads | 250 |
!rubbin | 250 |
!scream | 250 |
!shakebake | 250 |
!snort | 250 |
!spoonluge | 500 |
!streak | 250 |
!supra | 250 |
!tumbleweed | 250 |
!unbelievable | 250 |
!unicorn | 1000 |
!whistle | 250 |
If you have any suggestions for commands / sounds or popups, post them in the feedback section of Discord